"What operator should I choose for the North West Passage?", "Do you offer trips through the Arctic or the Maritimes?" These are familiar questions to us at Adventure Coordinators.
For many years we have offered the services of One Ocean Expeditions and Quark and are now happy to introduce Adventure Canada. Owned and operated by the same family since 1988 Adventure Canada was created to bring travellers to Canada's "blank spaces", those areas whose remoteness alone made them special. After all, there is so much that is extraordinary about these places, from the landscape, wildlife and culture to the history, art and archaeology that is unique to every destination.
Adventure Canada travel by small expedition ship, the best suited mode of transportation for remote exploration. Staff includes storytellers, musicians, historians, artists, scientists and archaeologists. Adventure Canada works closely with communities so you get to learn as you go, and thoroughly enjoy yourself in the process.
Here are some of the most eye-catching trips by Adventure Canada:
Baffin Island Floe Edge: Narwhals & Polar Bears 2017 May 25, 2017 - June 1, 2017 Rugged mountains, stunning glaciers, flocks of northern seabirds, the wonderful narwhal, and traditional Inuit culture—this is what awaits you on a truly amazing tour to the wilderness of northern Baffin Island. Experience this dramatic Arctic landscape at a time of year when the sun never sets and wildlife is returning. Sea ice is melting and marine mammals are traveling north along the ice floe edge where food is concentrated. Several species of seals, narwhal, polar bear and bowhead whale may all be encountered - this promises to be the adventure of a lifetime! View trip
Heart of the Arctic 2017 July 18, 2017 - July 30, 2017 This journey encompasses the beating heart of the Arctic from the capital of Nunavut, south into Nunavik and, finally, to the coast of Greenland. Wildlife includes polar bears, walrus, and musk ox but this expedition is far and away Adventure Canada's most community- and art-focused Arctic itinerary; throughout, you will meet highly reputed creators and their creations. Steeped in a culture all its own, the heart of the Arctic will stay with you long after you return home. View trip
Northwest Passage 2017 Westbound Aug. 22, 2017 - Sept. 7, 2017 Eastbound Sept. 7, 2017 - Sept. 23, 2017 The Northwest Passage represents the pinnacle of Arctic exploration. On this trip, like the explorers before you, you’ll experience the quaint villages, dramatic fjords, and calving glaciers of Greenland. Visit Aujuittuq (Grise Fiord), Canada’s northernmost community, and pay respects at the Franklin Expedition graves at Beechey Island. There are opportunities to spot Peary caribou, polar bear, walrus and musk ox—and visits to ghostly RCMP and Hudson’s Bay Company posts. To sail the Northwest Passage is to sail living history; join the ranks of the fearless adventurers who have been lured by its spirit. Half the world away is closer than you think. View westbound trip View eastbound trip
Greenland & Wild Labrador 2017 Sept. 23, 2017 - Oct. 7, 2017 This extraordinary sailing showcases staggering geographic diversity, from Greenland all the way to Newfoundland, including the stunning Torngats where massive mountains tumble down to the Atlantic Ocean in one of the most dramatic seascapes in Canada. Northern Labrador has to be seen to be believed — you will stop at stupendous stretch of sandy beaches. Next, visit the Viking settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows before calling in at an outport community and Terra Nova National Park. View trip
Bears of Churchill Fall 2017 This adventure puts you up close and personal with the world’s largest land predator in its element. Photographers will delight in the days spent viewing the polar bears up close from the amazing Tundra Buggy platform. View trip