As more and more countries are lifting COVID travel restrictions, one of the most frequently asked questions we encounter is "where can I travel without having to test". Well, Europe is welcoming travellers with open arms!
In the map above, countries outlined in dark green have no entry restrictions for fully vaccinated travellers**. Apart from Ukraine and Russia, which are closed for obvious reasons, all of Europe is open for travel. Just about every country will let you in without any testing. The only outlier is Portugal (marked in light green) - they still require a COVID test prior to arrival. Yet we had several clients travelling to Portugal this spring and they all had a great time.
Wondering where you can travel outside of Europe? See the map below, where dark green means "open without testing" (124 countries), light green means "open with testing" (67 countries) and pink means "closed or quarantine required" (only 12 countries). You can also do your own research with our COVID-restrictions research tool.

** the definition of fully vaccinated differs by jurisdiction. Some countries, including Canada, require two doses of COVID vaccinations, others require three. Please be sure to check the requirements valid for your destination. Ask us or use our COVID-restrictions research tool.
E&OE. The information in this article was correct at the time of publication (07 June 2022) but should be double-checked against relevant government websites before booking a trip.