Yes, it is true. I am addicted to travel. But I have an excuse. It is professional.
Curious to know if you are addicted to travel?
Here are thirteen sure signs that you are addicted to travel. Do any of these sound familiar?
1. Before returning from your holiday you have already planned your next trip
Hands up if you do this! I know plenty of you do and I sure am guilty of it. I am going to Morocco in November and am already thinking of my next trip. A self-guided hike somewhere in Europe, an Arctic cruise to Greenland or a trip to Central Asia are all high on my list.
2. You have a separate bank account to save up for travels (where all your savings go)
After paying the mortgage and daily expenses sometimes you have to make hard choices. Contribute to your RRSP and hope you live that long or spend in on an adventure now?
3. Your favorite things to read are travel books and magazines
I admit, it is pretty much all I read. My favourite magazines are Wanderlust and Condé Nast Traveler. And books? This blog has at least twenty different posts listing my favourite travel books.
4. You have friends all over the world and connect with them on a regular basis
I have friends I call, friends I connect with through social media and friends I write to. Oh, and I met my wife in South Africa and we adopted our daughter from Vietnam.
5. Your travel bucket list keeps growing
How many items are on your bucketlist? When did you add your last item and what was it?
I added my last item in August (Ravenna in italy) bringing my total of places and activities to 55. The least likely to come true? Russia's City of the Dead
6. You cry when you have to return home
That's perhaps different for everyone. My sweetspot for time away is about 3 weeks. Less and I barely feel I have been gone. Longer and I miss my family. And I do admit to feeling slightly sad when I leave a place. But then my first symptom kicks in and it quickly goes away...
7. When socializing you start all your stories with “When I was in…..”
I think sometimes my friends hate me and others may think I am a bore. But wouldn't you prefer to talk about things you love rather than making small talk?
8. You don’t have paintings on the wall — you have maps, carvings and travel photos
A friend of mine has about a hundred masks from all over the world on his living room wall. Each of them comes with a story. I ran out of wall space years ago (but do admit to a running travel slide show of my last trip when my computer is idle!)
9. Your credit card gives you travel points, not cash back
Which do you have? RBC Avion? American Express Cobalt? TD Infinite? BMO Ascend World Elite?
10. You ask immigration to please stamp your passport on a page that is already used.
(And you know how to ask in several languages). Because seeing how little space there is in a Canadian passport, God forbid you run out of pages!
11. You have a five year passport
Because even though you asked immigration to stamp pages that were already used, a ten year passport still doesn't hold enough pages
12. You have a stack of old travel guidebooks
Admit it - you have a bookcase full of Lonely Planets, Rough Guides, Rick Steves, Fodors, Insight Guides and a bunch of Berlitz phrase books (even though you have been using Google Translate for years). What is the oldest guidebook in your closet?
13. You collect foreign currency
'Cause they make great souvenirs and hey, you may just come back to where you have already been!
Who wants to guess there this currency is being used? (No, it's not your local casino)
