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The definitive list of best adventure travel destinations in 2020

Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

Each year travel experts at Lonely Planet and Wanderlust Magazine publish their lists of best destinations to travel to. And of course at Adventure Coordinators we have our own list. Our list contains places that are garnering renewed interest from travellers like you as well as destinations that show a lot of potential.

Here is our definitive list for best adventure travel destinations for 2020.


A country in high demand by our travellers for 2020 is Morocco, perhaps not surprising given its stable government, its cultures, history, architecture and its huge variety of landscapes. Soak up the bustling, exotic atmosphere in ancient souqs; join a camel trek into the Sahara; sleep under expansive star-studded skies; witness traditional lifestyles in kasbahs; walk to hamlets high up in the mountains; get lost in winding alleys. All that and more awaits you in Morocco. From Fez, the Islamic world’s largest medieval city, to the sea-side romance of Essaouira; from glorious Marrakesh to the oases of the interior and from traditional bath houses to wonderful meals, Morocco is one country you will not want to miss.


Central Asia had received a lot of interest of late and the number of tours on offer has grown exponentially. Combine it with the fact that many countries have dropped their visa requirements and you can see why so many people are interested in places like Uzbekistan. The ancient Silk Road cities of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva conjure up images of unimaginably wealthy oases linked by caravans, of imperial politics and incredible architecture. Beautiful turquoise domes and towering minarets grace the skyline while down below everyday life goes on in markets and cafes from years gone by. With hospitality firmly ingrained into the culture, this is one country you will not want to miss.


WIth much of the Middle East in turmoil, Jordan stands out as a stable, safe country. And as you walk through the Siq to the Treasury at Petra, you cannot help but be in awe. Hand-hewn red sandstone buildings rise up into the clear desert skies, remembering ancient caravans of spice traders travelling far and wide to sell their wares. In the Roman ruins at Jerash and in the crusader castles and Byzantine mosaics along the King’s Highway, history is everywhere in this beautiful land. Travel through canyons and oases, stay with locals among the rock formations of Wadi Rum, and begin to understand why T.E. Lawrence loved this land.


The three Baltic Republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania share some similarities but are also quite different. They each have their own languages, their own distinct history and religions and vary quite a bit in landscapes and prosperity. From the old Hanseatic town of Tallinn to the art nouveau buildings of Riga, from the remote Baltic islands to the pine forests in the east, from the dunes of the Curonian Spit to the lakes that sprinkle the region and from the Crusader castles to the Russian palaces, this is an area that delights many. Contact us about tours in the Baltic Republics.


Another former Soviet republic that is seeing a lot of attention is stunning Georgia, nestled deep within the Caucasus. Along with nearby Armenia, the country is one of the oldest Christian countries in the world, reflected in its myriad churches and monasteries. Fantastic mountain scenery and fertile valleys covered in vineyards make this one of the most beautiful countries on earth to visit. Add a proud hospitable people , an astounding variety of cultural influences and an amazing heritage expressed in architecture and art, and you know Georgia will soon make it to the top of your bucketlist. Contact us about tours in Georgia.


Japan is a study in contrasts between traditional and modern. Large bustling cities like Tokyo are only a short journey from traditional villages. Pop culture exists next to the grace of a geisha, bullet trains next to the spare beauty of a Zen rock garden. There is temple-rich Kyoto, beautified by cherry blossoms and fall colours; there are walks in the Japanese Alps and on pilgrim trails, followed by a long soak in a classic Japanese bath; there are stays at ryokans (traditional inns); and there is the food, made of the freshest of ingredients. This is Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun.


Yes our home and native land has plenty to offer adventure seekers and with our planet in climate crisis, some of us will elect to stay at home. From the wilds of Haida Gwaii, the whale-frequented waters of the West Coast, the towering forests of BC and hiking in the Rockies, to cycling Quebec and PEI, cruising the Maritimes or the Arctic or hiking the East Coast Trail, we have something for all. Contact us about tours in Canada.


Endless Roman ruins, romantic Venetian towns and Byzantine churches. Sun-bleached hills descending to cobalt blue seas, which in turn straddle a coast dotted with picturesque isles. Inland meanwhile, limestone caverns, river canyons, splendid waterfalls and picturesque lakes will leave you dazzled. And if that is not enough, come and find out why Croatian wines and olive oils are making a mark on the world stage.

South Africa

Lions and penguins, traditional African cultures and Western creature comforts, all the Big Five on one morning’s game drive, some of the best food and wine on the planet - all that is South Africa. From metropolitan Cape Town to safaris in the Kruger area, from hiking in the Drakensberg to scenic drives and boat rides along the Garden Route, come and see why this place has been called “The world in one Country”.


Seventeen thousand islands make up the Indonesian Archipelago, a region offering endless adventure. Track orangutan in Sumatra's rain forest, find prehistoric "dragons" in Komodo National Park, go island-hopping in the stunning Gili Islands, cruise and snorkel Raja Ampat, home to the greatest diversity of marine life in the world and explore the largest Buddhist shrine in the world at Borobudur. Combine it with a rich cultural heritage which you can experience in Bali, Lombok and further afield in Tana Toraja on Sulawesi, and you can see Indonesia offers a lifetime of exploring. Contact us about tours in Indonesia.

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